Error handling in RxJava/RxKotlin

If you’ve worked with RxJava/RxKotlin, you might be familiar with three methods of a subscriber. onNext , onError and onCom...

Know your sensors - Android Location Services

Location services on handheld devices have transformed this world. Several billion dollar companies like Uber exist because...

RxJava - Schedulers - What, when and how to use it?

Schedulers are one of the main components in RxJava. They are responsible for performing operations of Observable on differ...

RxJava - Flowables - What, when and how to use it?

To understand Flowables, we need to understand Observables first. Observables are those entities which we observe for any e...

Creating web's slot machine a.k.a Infinite list in Android

Infinite scroll is the most prevalant designs of all times. The reason of it’s meteoric rise is that it actually works. In ...
