To understand Flowables, we need to understand Observables first. Observables are those entities which we observe for any event. Observables are used when we have relatively few items over the time and there is no risk of overflooding consumers. If there is a possibility that the consumer can be overflooded, then we use Flowable. One example could be getting a huge amount of data from a sensor. They typically push out data at a high rate. In the previous version of RxJava, this overflooding could be prevented by applying back pressure. But in RxJava 2, the development team has separated these two kinds of producers into two entities. i.e. Observable and Flowable. According to documentation:

A small regret about introducing backpressure in RxJava 0.x is that instead of having a separate > base reactive class, the Observable itself was retrofitted. The main issue with backpressure is > that many hot sources, such as UI events, can’t be reasonably backpressured and cause unexpected > MissingBackpressureException (i.e., beginners don’t expect them).

We try to remedy this situation in 2.x by having io.reactivex.Observable non-backpressured and the > new io.reactivex.Flowable be the backpressure-enabled base reactive class.

Let’s understand the use of FLowable using another example. Suppose you have a source that is emitting data items at a rate of 1 Million items/second. The next step is to make network request on each item. Suppose the device can handle 100 network requests/second. Do you see the problem? The second step is the bottleneck because device can handle atmost 100 requests/second and so the huge amount of data from step 1 will cause OOM(Out Of Memory) exception. The below code is a perfect example of that:

  val observable = PublishSubject.create<Int>()
            .subscribeBy (
                onNext ={
                  println("number: ${it}")
                },onError = {t->
    for (i in 0..1000000){

In these scenarios, we need backpressuring , which in simple words is just a way to handle the items that can’t be processed. In the below code, we will handle the case using Flowable:

val observable = PublishSubject.create<Int>()
            .subscribeBy (
                onNext ={
                    println("number: ${it}")
                },onError = {t->
    for (i in 0..1000000){

If you run the above code, you’ll see the output:

Queue is full?!

This is because we haven’t specified any BackpressureStrategy, so it falls back to default which basically buffers upto 128 items in the queue. Hence the output Queue is full

There are a lot of other backpressuring strategy which we will cover now: